Tuesday, October 6, 2009




Saturday, April 12, 2008


I have had severe asthma since I was 13 years old, I have been put on medication and taken off medications for it since I was ten..... Ha Ha, that probably sounds stupid, let me explain. I was diagnosed with asthma when I was ten years old, I was not allowed to play outside when it was really cold or when spring came around. I ignored it otherwise, I only took Clariton. When I was 13 I had a major asthma attack, it got way out of control, I almost stayed in the hospital over night, the doctors were absolutely pissed off. I was in the asthma attack for 11 hours before I was taken to the hospital. Ever since then I have never been on just one medication, I have juggled 3 to 5 medications. One of the new ones I was just put on is Singular, which I am totally depended it on already:( Anyway I read on a webmd newsletter that Singular has been linked to suicide... It can also make you nervous and anxious... Oh Yes this is exactly what I need, not to mention I am on two other steroids and I take another allergie med. I go to bed feeling like a pill popper:( Then more into the article I read, that someone with asthma should, wash their dog once a week, wash any bed sheets once a week and make sure to dust once a week. OK I am a neat freak so those are no problems, but then I should rap my mattress in plastic, I should have a certain type of pillow and I should deep clean my house every week. Oh please cuz I signed up for a second job, I am sorry but I can not and will not sleep on a plastic mattress, nor will I put plastic on anything I own! I cannot believe asthma and allergies need so much work, I always have symptoms no matter what I do, but I can deal with them just like I have for the past 10 and half years.

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

My new baby!!

My husband is gonna kick my butt! My cat Ninja had eight kittens four weeks ago, and I had my eye on this calico. My mom said no more cats, and that is so Ninja's fault! So I came up with an idea, be rid of the Ninja.. At first I felt really bad, but then i remembered that cat ruined nice sofas, and wouldn't stay out of clean clothes or Bread. So I told my mom I get to keep the kitten and Ninja goes bye bye... Guess who won that one??? Me! WOOOO! Im so excited, she is so sticking cute.. So because of her colors and because my birthday is in October I named her October... I am not sure if I am gonna keep that name or not, but for now I like it... So far she is warming up to the house really well and of course my father. My new toy and time asuming objective is a kitten wish me luck... Honey Love you, but i really could not help myself.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Time seems to be speeding by for me today, I realized that Burritto and I have almost been married for 6 months... I really can't believe it's been that long, i can still remember going on our first date, it seems just like it was yesterday.... Even though my hubby is gone i feel like i have so much support from him, I really am loving our relationship more and more everyday... I am lucky as of right now, I have great communication with him, although his roommate is quite rude sometimes, i still get some kind of communication on a regular basis.... So far this tour does not seem to bad, although I have a bit of time left on my plate, I feel pretty positive about it today.. I have taken advise from all the other women in my position, i have filled my days.. I have started a new book, which by the way is freaking great.. It's called Wicked, great book so far, I'm half way in, and it is a grabber, I can barely put it down sometimes... I started working out last week, I will tell you what, my body is not happy right now, it really hurts. But at the same time it feels great, I can go out to the gym and work out for an hour, and it seems like by the time I get home it is time to go back to work. So far my day starts out with work, i work till six at night, then i either go to the gym or go home and scrapbook, an hour before I go to bed I read my book... I also try to beat the time by going out with my friend Scott, and Jackie... I have support all around from friends and my hubby which is great, I couldn't need it more at this time...
Dippers is doing well, he has made his entire being about me.. When i leave the house seems to be the worst for him still.. He digs all the cat liter out of the box and spreads it all over the dinning room, which i still don't get why he likes that so much, it is so gross! Anyway I'm off to by book... Honey I love you! Have a great day, and please be careful......

Saturday, March 22, 2008


When I found out about this whole deployment thing I was terrified of what the future held for Alberto and I, I was unsure of what to think, I was panicing even when my husband was still in the states. When it came down to me driving him to the airport I was over powered by postivity and happiness, I really couldn't wait to . I figured it had finally begun, no more talking about it or thinking about it,it was here. I thought ok, now his is there and time will fly by.... I tell you, I prove myself to be blonde everyday. The days have gotten longer!! And time just creeps by, I wake up all night long, and that's even after I take a vicodin. Im not a pill popper or anything, I had a bad tooth removed, so im in a lot of pain:( Anyway, after about a week and a half of the positive go lucky attitude, I had a melt down, it was horrible.. And what started it was so stupid, I have been watching the housing market, and for some reason that day it hurt. I realized I missed my apartment, I miss my husband, I miss our perfect little lives. Thank God Burrito called me that day, it made me feel so much better. But the truth is I can't always be positive, my days aren't always going to be fun and full of things to do. Even though I fill the brim of the hours in a day, with stuff to do, I can't say it helps time go by any faster..
I have bought a gym membership since Burritto left though, I can say that helps me out a little bit, but not much, at least I will look smoking out when the hubby returns...LOL
I am terrible at this blogging and journaling, I will admit it... I have so much stuff to write about, but also forget to get online :{!
I want to end this blog by saying congrats to Stephanie, on She who Waits.. Im so happy that your hubby is gonna be home soon! Congrats truely!!

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Bank Of America

OK B of A is on my last nerve! Burritto has a credit card and a checking account with this place. Truthfully they're not my first choice, but we kept the checking account so I could use it for spending money. That's not really the part that's bothering me, it is the credit card side of it. I have sent them my Power of Attorney twice. The first time they would not except it because it was not the original, so I went into the Bank. The banker called them, they said it would be ok to send a copy of the Power of Attorney. So I waisted another stamp and sent them another copy. Yesterday I got a letter in the mail, saying they would not except a copy, only the original..... GRRRR!!! Why, is this??? Everyone else I have dealt with has taken a copy and put me on the account.. So now what do I do, fly to Delaware to show them the original, do I go back into the bank and raise hell?? I can't do anything with this account, they won't let me..... I think B of A can seriously kiss my butt!! I am sorry, but they have no right to request the original, it's not like the attorney gives you two originals come on! We will not ever have any services through them again, ill will tell you that!

Missing Out

I remember asking my burritto what will both him the most about being away from home. He said the things he would miss out on. Of course I jumped to defense and said I would not do anything the whole time he is gone, but unfortunately that is not possible even if I tried. I have realized things do happen no matter what.
At this time I still can't come out of the house, unless I am going to work. My life has been really good, for the past month I have kept myself pretty occupied with my hobbies and family.
Monday the 4th of February, has actually been the worst day since he's been gone. I was suppose to work a whole day of over time, which is totally cool, cuz I could use the extra cash. All weekend my chest had been really bothering me, I had horrible stabbing pains going through my chest, but like the blonde I am I ignored them. Which by the way is not only a blonde move on my part, but incredibly stupid. I have had severe asthma for the past ten years.
Anyway, Monday morning I got up & went to work, my chest seemed to have cleared up, until about ten and all of the sudden I felt like someone had just stuck knives through my lungs. I stopped what I was doing, crabbed my chest, and sat there. I took a couple of puffs of my inhaler, but it was to late my teeth had already started tingling and I was going into panic mood. I tried to mentally talk myself out of the asthma attack/panic attack. That was not happening, I took more puffs off my inhaler and emailed my mom. I let her know my chest was hurting really bad, she said use your inhaler. And of course I said Hello Women Ive tried!! By the time she got back to me it was to late, I was suffocating. I had my coworker call her, to let her know I could not breath. By the time my mom got to my property, I couldn't even walk, it was so embarrassing. I had to get help out to the car. I was crying, I was so embarrassed and in so much pain. I spent all day in the ER, I'll tell you what the people there are so rude, the way they talked to me was so not necessary I could just feel they didn't care , in fact they lost me three times!
I left my phone in my desk at work, so I could not get a hold of Burritto to let him know what has going on. By the time I got it he had called me and sent a few emails. It was so sad, I had to tell him what happened over the phone, he got pretty upset and angry. I never have any asthma attacks when he is around. I can't complain about that, it is so expensive to go to the hospital now days and time consuming at that. After he freaked out, he made sure I was ok, now he makes sure I am taking my meds and doing my breathing treatments. But the point of this story is we all think about the time we will miss with our loved one, and the conversations will miss out on, but what about the little things we won't be around for. Before Burritto left it was not about what stories I would not be apart of, but the sleeping with out my hubby, and the eating dinner alone and I have to do chores. I really am a spoiled brat to tell you the truth, and now all of that is null and void for the next year :(. But now that I have some good stories to tell him I understand that he was right, we are missing out on so much, and it really does hurt!